Discover the Expat Life: Tips for Living in Bermuda | Moving and Living Abroad

Have you ever dreamt of living on a tropical island paradise? Sipping a refreshing cocktail while overlooking crystal clear blue waters and feeling the warm sun on your skin? Well, there’s an island that not only offers all of that but a unique and vibrant culture as well. Welcome to Bermuda, where pink sand beaches and pastel-colored houses are just the beginning of this island’s charm. As a seasoned expat, I have lived in many countries, but Bermuda holds a special place in my heart. Today, I want to share with you the ins and outs of living in Bermuda, from the unique cultural quirks to the practicalities of everyday life. Let’s dive into this island oasis together.

Living in Bermuda as a US Citizen: Requirements, Perks, and Challenges


Living in Bermuda can be a thrilling experience for anyone, but as a US citizen, there are certain requirements, perks, and challenges that you should know about. Having lived in Bermuda for a few years, I can attest to the unique experience of living in this beautiful island nation.


As a US citizen, you can visit Bermuda without a visa, but if you plan on staying for longer than 90 days, you will need to apply for a residency permit. The process can be lengthy and requires a police certificate, medical certificate, and proof of employment or income. However, once you obtain the permit, you can stay in Bermuda for up to six years.

I remember going through the process of obtaining a residency permit and feeling overwhelmed by the paperwork and requirements. However, with the help of a local immigration lawyer, I was able to navigate the process successfully.


Living in Bermuda as a US citizen comes with several perks. First and foremost, the island boasts breathtaking beaches and crystal-clear waters that are perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and boating. I remember spending countless weekends exploring the different beaches around the island and being amazed by the natural beauty.

Another perk of living in Bermuda is the lack of income tax. As a US citizen, you may still have to pay US taxes, but you will not have to pay taxes to the Bermuda government. This can be a significant financial benefit for those who earn a high income.


While living in Bermuda can be a dream come true, there are also some challenges that come with the territory. One of the biggest challenges is the high cost of living. Everything from groceries to housing is more expensive in Bermuda than in the US. I remember being shocked by the price of a gallon of milk when I first arrived on the island.

Another challenge is the limited job market. Bermuda is a small island with a relatively small economy, which means that finding employment opportunities can be difficult. I was fortunate enough to find a job through my network, but I know many expats who struggled to find work.

Living in Paradise: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Making Bermuda Your New Home

Living in Bermuda can be a dream come true for many people. The turquoise waters, pink sand beaches, and lush greenery make it a paradise for those seeking a relaxed and beautiful lifestyle. But as with any place in the world, there are pros and cons to making Bermuda your new home. Here, we’ll explore the good and the bad aspects of living in this island paradise.

The Pros of Living in Bermuda

One of the most obvious pros of living in Bermuda is the natural beauty of the island. I remember when I first arrived on the island, I was blown away by the crystal clear waters and the stunning beaches. The island also has a rich cultural history, and there are many museums and historical sites to explore.

Another benefit of living in Bermuda is the weather. The island has a subtropical climate, which means that it’s warm and sunny for most of the year. This makes it the perfect place for outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, and boating.

One of the best things about living in Bermuda is the sense of community. The island has a small population, and everyone knows each other. When I first moved to Bermuda, I was struck by how friendly and welcoming the locals were. It was easy to make friends and feel like a part of the community.

The Cons of Living in Bermuda

While there are many benefits to living in Bermuda, there are also some downsides to consider. One of the biggest challenges is the cost of living. Bermuda is an expensive place to live, and everything from housing to groceries comes with a hefty price tag. This can make it difficult for some people to make ends meet.

Another con of living in Bermuda is the limited job market. The island’s economy is heavily reliant on tourism, and there are not many job opportunities outside of the hospitality industry. This can make it difficult for professionals in other fields to find work on the island.

Finally, while the small size of the island can be a pro in terms of community, it can also be a con. Bermuda is only 21 square miles in size, which means that there are limited options for entertainment and activities. This can be especially challenging for families with children who are looking for things to do.

Living in Bermuda: Exploring the Cost of Living in Paradise


Living in Bermuda is a dream come true for many expats. With crystal clear waters, pink sand beaches, and a relaxed island lifestyle, it’s no wonder why so many people are drawn to this paradise. However, before making the move, it’s important to understand the cost of living in Bermuda.


One of the biggest expenses in Bermuda is housing. As a small island, the availability of housing can be limited and the cost can be high. I remember when I first moved to Bermuda, I was shocked by the prices of apartments and houses. A small one-bedroom apartment could easily cost over $2,000 per month.

However, it’s important to note that the quality of housing in Bermuda is generally high. Many homes and apartments are built to withstand hurricanes and other natural disasters. Additionally, many properties offer stunning views of the ocean or the island’s lush greenery.


Another expense to consider when living in Bermuda is transportation. While the island may be small, owning a car can be expensive due to high import taxes and limited availability of parking. Many expats opt for scooters or public transportation instead.

When I first moved to Bermuda, I decided to purchase a scooter to get around. Not only was it more affordable than a car, but it allowed me to easily navigate the island’s narrow roads and avoid traffic. Plus, with the warm weather year-round, riding a scooter was a fun and enjoyable experience.

Groceries and Dining

Groceries and dining out can also be pricey in Bermuda. Due to the island’s remote location, many food items need to be imported, driving up the cost. Additionally, many restaurants cater to tourists and charge higher prices.

However, there are ways to save money on food in Bermuda. Shopping at local markets and buying in-season produce can help cut costs. Additionally, cooking at home can be a fun and rewarding experience, as many Bermudian dishes feature fresh seafood and local ingredients.

Island Life: Exploring the Top Reasons Why Bermuda is becoming a Hotspot for Expats

Living in Bermuda is a unique experience that has been attracting more and more expats in recent years. As someone who has lived on the island for several years, I can attest to the many reasons why Bermuda is becoming a hotspot for expats.

The Beautiful Scenery and Weather

One of the top reasons why expats are flocking to Bermuda is the picturesque scenery and perfect weather. The island is surrounded by stunning beaches with crystal-clear water, lush greenery, and colorful architecture that make for a stunning backdrop for everyday life. I have spent many afternoons lounging on the beach, drinking a Dark ‘n’ Stormy, and watching the sunset over the ocean.

The Friendly and Welcoming Culture

Bermudians are known for their hospitality and welcoming nature. From the moment I arrived on the island, I was greeted with warmth and kindness from locals. The community is tight-knit, and it’s easy to feel like a part of the family in no time. I have made many lifelong friends during my time in Bermuda, and I am grateful for the welcoming culture that made it possible.

The High Standard of Living

Bermuda may be a small island, but it certainly doesn’t lack in luxury. The standard of living is high, with modern amenities and infrastructure that rival any major city. The island is home to some of the best restaurants in the world, high-end shopping, and top-notch healthcare facilities. I never felt like I was missing out on anything by living on a small island.

The International Business Hub

Bermuda is also an international business hub, with a significant presence in the insurance and reinsurance industries. This has attracted many expats who work in finance, law, and other related fields. The island’s location and tax-friendly policies make it an attractive place to do business, and the opportunities for career growth are abundant.

The Relaxed Pace of Life

Living in Bermuda means embracing a slower pace of life. The island’s laid-back atmosphere is a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city living. I have found that the slower pace has allowed me to focus on my personal life and hobbies, and I have taken up new activities like sailing and paddleboarding. The work-life balance is also much more manageable, with many employers offering generous vacation time and flexible schedules.

In conclusion, living in Bermuda can be an incredible experience for expats seeking a tropical paradise with a strong sense of community. From the stunning beaches and world-class diving to the rich history and cultural events, there is never a lack of things to do and explore. While the high cost of living and limited job opportunities may pose challenges, those who are willing to adapt and embrace the unique Bermudian way of life will find themselves enriched by the experience. As someone who has lived in multiple countries, I can confidently say that Bermuda is a special place that is well worth considering for anyone seeking a new adventure in life.

Originally posted 2023-06-01 05:25:13.

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