Example of a local partnership – Portuguese investment funds

One of our first international partnerships came note only from the necessity of financial aid from other areas of the globe, but mostly from the knowledge some local immigration consultancy firms have in their markets. This was the case with Global Citizen Solutions and their experts dedicated to golden visa investment funds.

The partnership between thegoodwillproject.org and the Portuguese expert on investment funds arose due to a shared desire to support immigrants in their transition to living in a new country.

Thegoodwillproject.org, through its Good Will Tribe initiative, serves as a connection point between local individuals and recently arrived immigrants, helping them to find support and make connections in their new location. The Portuguese expert, meanwhile, had extensive knowledge and experience in identifying investment funds that qualified for the Golden Visa Portugal program.

The Golden Visa Portugal program is a government-backed initiative that allows non-EU citizens to obtain a temporary residence permit in Portugal by investing in the country’s economy. The program has been successful in attracting foreign investors and boosting the country’s economy, making it an attractive opportunity for both thegoodwillproject.org and the Portuguese expert.

Together, they formed a partnership to offer a unique and comprehensive service to immigrants looking to relocate to Portugal. Thegoodwillproject.org provided support and connections through its Good Will Tribe initiative, while the Portuguese expert used his knowledge and expertise to identify investment funds that qualified for the Golden Visa Portugal program and were suitable for the immigrants’ needs and goals.

Through this partnership, they were able to provide a valuable service to immigrants, helping them to make informed investment decisions and navigate the complex process of obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal. Some of the objectives that they accomplished together include helping immigrants to find support and connections in their new location, streamlining the process of obtaining a Golden Visa, and providing expertise and support on sustainable development and environmental protection.

Overall, the cooperation between thegoodwillproject.org and the Portuguese expert on investment funds was a success, providing valuable benefits and services to immigrants and contributing to the growth and development of the Portuguese economy in a socially responsible manner.